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HDF structure upgrade guide


Note the correspondance between terms used in version 3.3 and in new terms used in version 4.0.

Version 3.3 Version 4.0
DataGroupId GroupId
DatasetId DatasetId
DatasetType DataClass

Convert DatasetTypes to DataClasses

The following correspondance needs to be made between previous DatasetTypes and new DataClasses:

nde DatasetType nde DataClass
Amplitude AScanAmplitude
Status AScanStatus
FiringSource FiringSource
Value (for TFM Images) TfmValue

Update datasets paths

Find the correspondance between datasets paths between versions 3.3 and 4.0. Note that TFM datasets were previously stored under a dedicated subpath, which is now removed for standardization.

Type nde Previous datasets path nde New datasets path
PA /DataGroups + /[DataGroupId] + /Datasets + /[DatasetId] + /[DatasetType] /Groups + /[GroupId] + /Datasets + /[DatasetId-DataClass]
TFM /DataGroups + /[DataGroupId] + /Datasets + /[DatasetId] + /TFM + /[DatasetType] /Groups + /[GroupId] + /Datasets + /[DatasetId-DataClass]

The following examples are provided for each supported DatasetType/DataClass for better understanding:

nde Previous dataset path nde New dataset path
/DataGroups/0/Datasets/0/Amplitude /Groups/0/Datasets/0-AScanAmplitude
/DataGroups/0/Datasets/0/Status /Groups/0/Datasets/1-AScanStatus
/DataGroups/0/Datasets/1/FiringSource /Groups/0/Datasets/2-FiringSource
/DataGroups/1/Datasets/0/TFM/Value /Groups/1/Datasets/0-TfmValue
/DataGroups/1/Datasets/0/TFM/Status /Groups/1/Datasets/1-TfmStatus
/DataGroups/1/Datasets/0/TFM/FiringSource /Groups/1/Datasets/2-FiringSource