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Wedge Related Arrays and Objects

Wedges are used to direct ultrasonic waves into a test material at a specific angle, enabling the detection of flaws at different orientations. It helps convert wave modes and ensures efficient energy transfer between the probe (transducer) and the test piece.

wedges array

The wedges array lists the wedge(s) used with the associated probe(s).

Property Type Description
id required integer The unique wedge id in the JSON structure referenced in wedgeAssociation object
model required string The wedge model reference
serie string The wedge series reference
serialNumber string The wedge serial number
angleBeamWedge required object An angleBeamWedge object
positioning required object A positioning object

Related objects: wedgeAssociation

angleBeamWedge object

The angleBeamWedge object describes an angle beam wedge.

Property Type Unit Description
width required number m The width of the wedge
height required number m The height of the wedge
length required number m The length of the wedge
longitudinalVelocity required number m/s The ultrasound waves' longitudinal velocity inside the wedge material
mountingLocations required array - A mountingLocations array
pocketDepth number m The pocket depth of the wedge

Hypothesis and conventions:

  • Wedge body and contact surface are considered symmetrical.
  • The wedge contact surface (with the specimen) is flat or curved with a single radius of curvature.
  • The probe(s) contact surface is flat.
  • The positionning of the probe first element on a given wedge, which correspond to the so-called mounting location, is standardized (by design of the probe/wedge assembly).
  • The wedge coordinate system \((x_w, y_w, z_w)\) origin is centered at the bottom of its front face (see figure below).
  • The wedge coordinate system orientation is defined so the \((y_w)\) axis is aligned with the wedge length, the \((x_w)\) axis aligned with the wedge width, and the \((z_w)\) axis aligned with the wedge height.


Flat wedges

  • For flat wedges, the application of the above rules is straightforward as there's no ambiguity for the definition of the probe positioning.

Curved wedges

  • The application of a wedge on a tubular component typically involves the use of a wedge with a matching curved surface. Such wedges require additional conventions.

  • Typical configurations are axial outer diameter (AOD) or circumferential outer diameter (COD). Note that a skew angle for outer or inner diameter inspection is also possible in this definition.

  • The curved wedge face is handled by redefining the tertiary offset and by defining the actual wedge curvature in the wedge object. The tertiary offset is defined for a flat wedge that is machined to the desired curvature.

mountingLocations array

The mountingLocations array describes the mounting location(s) of the wedge.

Property Type Unit Description
id required integer - The mounting location id referenced in anglebeamWedge object
wedgeAngle required number degree The wedge angle in degrees
squintAngle number degree The wedge squint angle in degrees
roofAngle number degree The wedge roof angle in degrees
primaryOffset required number m The wedge primary offset
secondaryOffset required number m The wedge secondary offset
tertiaryOffset required number m The wedge tertiary offset

Hypothesis and conventions:

  • A probe is maintained in position on a wedge through an interface face, named the mounting location, and its origin \((x_m, y_m, z_m)\) is defined by the aforementionned primaryOffset, secondaryOffset, and tertiaryOffset plus three angles:
  • wedgeAngle \(\beta\) : Angle between the normal of the interface face, \(z_m\), and the \(z_w\) axis
  • squintAngle \(\alpha\) : Angle between the projection of the probe primary axis on the \(x_w\)/\(y_w\) plane, \(y_m\), and the \(y_w\) axis.
  • roofAngle \(\gamma\) : Angle between \(x_m\) and \(x_w\), defined by a rotation around the probe primary axis.

  • The wedge skew angle is defined by the angle between the wedge and u axis on the surface of the part at the wedge origin.

  • Its positioning on the specimen is given in relation to the \((u,v)\) coordinates with the uCoordinateOffset and vCoordinateOffset located in the Setup JSON formatted dataset at wedges[x].positioning.

  • The positioning of the probe \((x_p, y_p, z_p)\) coordinate system is achieved in the \((x_w,y_w,y_w)\) coordinates through the successive application of the primaryOffset (on the \((y_w)\) axis), the secondaryOffset (on the \((x_w)\) axis), and the tertiaryOffset (on the \((y_w)\) axis). The origin of the probe coordinate system is the center of the first probe element.

  • The orientation of the probe \((x_p, y_p, z_p)\) coordinate system is achieved in the \((x_w,y_w,y_w)\) coordinates through the successive application of the wedgeAngle, squintAngle, and roofAngle.
  • It is possible to have multiple probe mountingLocations defined on a single wedge, for example in the case of Dual Linear Array (DLA) or Dual Matrix Array (DMA) probe


positioning object

The positioning object describes the wedge position with respect to the specimen and its surface.

Property Type Description
specimendId required integer The related specimen id (plate, pipe, bar)
surfaceId required integer The related surface id (plate surface, pipe surface, bar surface)
uCoordinateOffset required number The offset relative to the \(u\) axis
vCoordinateOffset required number The offset relative to the \(v\) axis or coordinate object
skewAngle required number The skew angle in degrees

Related objects: specimens, surfaces



Examples of phased array and single- and dual-element wedge definitions based on specifications in the Evident probe catalog.

Phased array wedge examples
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "SA32-N55S",
    "serie": "SA32",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.03,
      "height": 0.03315,
      "length": 0.0615,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 36.1,
          "primaryOffset": -0.055520000000000007,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.011
      "pocketDepth": 0.0
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "SA15-N30S-IH 2-3-5",
    "serie": "SA15",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.022,
      "height": 0.00936,
      "length": 0.01864,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 21.1,
          "primaryOffset": -0.016415,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.004647
      "pocketDepth": 0.0
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "HydroFORM",
    "serie": "SI4",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.041,
      "height": 0.036000000000000004,
      "length": 0.081,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 1480.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 0.0,
          "primaryOffset": -0.071000000000000008,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.013000000000000001
      "pocketDepth": 0.023
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "SPWZ1-N60L-IHC",
    "serie": "SPWZ1",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.04,
      "height": 0.06941,
      "length": 0.09108,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 20.03,
          "primaryOffset": -0.086750000000000008,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.047009999999999996
      "pocketDepth": 0.0
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "SA26-DN55L-FD25-SS-IHC-AOD24",
    "serie": "SA26",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.05,
      "height": 0.022494999999999998,
      "length": 0.048,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 18.95,
          "primaryOffset": -0.03767,
          "secondaryOffset": -0.00962,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.00865,
          "squintAngle": 0.0,
          "roofAngle": -5.41
          "id": 1,
          "wedgeAngle": 18.95,
          "primaryOffset": -0.03767,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.00962,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.00865,
          "squintAngle": 0.0,
          "roofAngle": 5.41
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "SA27-DN55L-FD15-IHC-AOD18",
    "serie": "SA27 (DMA 16x2)",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.04,
      "height": 0.015065,
      "length": 0.028,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 18.72,
          "primaryOffset": -0.02116,
          "secondaryOffset": -0.0065399999999999989,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.00739,
          "squintAngle": 0.0,
          "roofAngle": -4.41
          "id": 1,
          "wedgeAngle": 18.72,
          "primaryOffset": -0.02116,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0065399999999999989,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.00739,
          "squintAngle": 0.0,
          "roofAngle": 4.41
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "XAIW-0012",
    "serie": "XAIW",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.016800000000000002,
      "height": 0.00897,
      "length": 0.021587000000000002,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 37.5,
          "primaryOffset": -0.02,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.0040999999999999995
      "pocketDepth": 0.0
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
Single and dual element wedge examples
"wedges": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "ST1-25L-IHC",
    "serie": "TOFD",
    "angleBeamWedge": {
      "width": 0.02106,
      "height": 0.01325,
      "length": 0.02106,
      "longitudinalVelocity": 2330.0,
      "mountingLocations": [
          "id": 0,
          "wedgeAngle": 9.6,
          "primaryOffset": -0.008,
          "secondaryOffset": 0.0,
          "tertiaryOffset": 0.0
    "positioning": {
      "specimenId": 0,
      "surfaceId": 0,
      "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "vCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
      "skewAngle": 90.0
"probes": [
    "id": 0,
    "model": "D713",
    "serie": "DUAL",
    "conventionalRound": {
      "centralFrequency": 10000000.0,
      "diameter": 0.00635,
      "elements": [
          "id": 0,
          "acquisitionUnitId": 0,
          "connectorName": "P1"
    "wedgeAssociation": {
      "wedgeId": 0,
      "mountingLocationId": 0
    "id": 1,
    "model": "D713",
    "serie": "DUAL",
    "conventionalRound": {
      "centralFrequency": 10000000.0,
      "diameter": 0.00635,
      "elements": [
          "id": 0,
          "acquisitionUnitId": 0,
          "connectorName": "R1"
    "wedgeAssociation": {
      "wedgeId": 0,
      "mountingLocationId": 1