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ultrasonicConventional Object

The ultrasonicConventional object serves as a conventional ultrasonic acquisition process.

Property Type Unit Description
waveMode required string - Either: Longitudinal or TransversalVertical
velocity required number m/s Material wave speed corresponding to the specified wave mode (used for beam delay calculation)
wedgeDelay number s Delay corresponding to the sound propagation within the wedge
rectification string - RF signal rectification type, one of the following: None, Positive, Negative, or Full
digitizingFrequency number Hz Sampling rate of the saved A-scans
ascanSynchroMode string - Type of A-scan syncrhonization, either: Pulse or SynchroGateRelative
ascanCompressionFactor integer - Compression factor applied to A-scans
gain number dB Hardware gain applied to all A-scans
ultrasoundMode string - Ultrasound mode, one of the following: TrueDepth, SoundPath, or Time
referenceAmplitude number % A-scan full-screen height of the reference amplitude
referenceGain number dB Reference gain value from which other gain values will be offset
smoothingFilter number Hz Characteristic frequency of the smoothing filter
averagingFactor integer - The averaging ratio
beams array - A beams array
digitalBandPassFilter object - A digitalBandPassFilter object
pulse object - A pulse object
gates object - A gates object
calibrationStates array - A calibrationStates array
One of the following required subobjects:


  • Compression: Currently, the default compression behavior consists in keeping the maximum value of N consecutive acquisition points in time, N being the value stored as the ascanCompressionFactor.

pulseEcho object

The pulseEcho object lists the probe used in an acquisition pattern where the same probe is used at emission and reception.

Property Type Description
probeId integer The id of the probe used at emission and reception in a pulse-echo setup
"pulseEcho": {
    "probeId": 0

pitchCatch object

The pitchCatch object lists the probes used in an acquisition pattern where one probe is used at emission and another at reception.

Property Type Description
pulserProbeId integer The id of the probe used at emission in a pitch-catch setup
receiverProbeId integer The id of the probe used at reception in a pitch-catch setup
"pitchCatch": {
    "pulserProbeId": 0,
    "receiverProbeId": 1

tofd object

The tofd object describes the time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) technique parameters.

Property Type Unit Description
pulserProbeId integer - The id of the probe used at emission in a TOFD setup
receiverProbeId integer - The id of the probe used at reception in a TOFD setup
pcs number m The probe center separation (PCS) in meters, the distance between the exit points of the two probes used for TOFD
"tofd": {
    "pulserProbeId": 0,
    "receiverProbeId": 1,
    "pcs": 0.090666754842002512

digitalBandPassFilter object

The digitalBandPassFilter object describes the band-pass filter parameters applied during acquisition.

Property Type Unit Description
filterType required string - The type of filter, one of the following: None, LowPass, HighPass, or BandPass
highCutOffFrequency required number Hz High cutoff frequency in Hz
lowCutOffFrequency required number Hz Low cutoff frequency in Hz
characteristic required string - Either: None or TOFD
"digitalBandPassFilter": {
    "filterType": "BandPass",
    "highCutOffFrequency": 8000000.0,
    "lowCutOffFrequency": 2500000.0,
    "characteristic": "None"

pulse object

Property Type Unit Description
width required number s Time duration, in seconds, of the high-voltage square pulse used to excite the transducer element
voltage required number V Amplitude, in volts, of the square pulse used to excite the transducer element
polarity string - Polarity of the square pulse used to excite the transducer element, one of the following: Bipolar, UnipolarPositive, or UnipolarNegative. A Bipolar pulse is assumed to be negative first and then positive.


"pulse": {
    "width": 1.425E-07,
    "voltage": 85.0,
    "polarity": "Bipolar"

tcg object

The tcg object lists the time-corrected gain (TCG) parameters used for the acquisition.

Property Type Description
synchroMode string Either: Pulse or AscanSynchroRelative
points required array A TCG points array

points array

The points array lists the time-corrected gain (TCG) points, with the corresponding gain to apply for a given time increment.

Property Type Unit Description
time required number s Time increment in seconds
gain required number dB Gain in decibels
"tcg": {
    "points": [
        "time": 0.0,
        "gain": 0.0
        "time": 2.4750000000000002E-05,
        "gain": 35.5

gates object

Property Type Unit Description
id required integer - Unique id of the gate within the acquisition process
name string - Name of the gate (e.g., "A", "B", "I" etc.)
geometry string - Either: SoundPath or TrueDepth
start required number s Gate starting time
length required number s Gate time duration
threshold required number % Threshold level
thresholdPolarity required string - One of the following: Absolute, Positive, or Negative
synchronization required object - A synchronization object

synchronization object

Property Type Description
mode string Synchronization mode, either: Pulse or GateRelative
triggeringEvent string When synchronization is performed relative to a gate (GateRelative), the synchronization triggering event is either: Peak or Crossing
gateId integer When synchronization is performed relative to a gate (GateRelative), the corresponding gate Id in the ultrasonic acquisition process gates object
"gates": [
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gate A",
    "geometry": "TrueDepth",
    "thresholdPolarity": "Absolute",
    "synchronization": {
        "mode": "Pulse"
    "start": 0.0,
    "length": 3.868E-05,
    "threshold": 25.0

beams array

Property Type Unit Description
id required integer - The unique id of the beam within the ultrasonicPhasedArray process
refractedAngle required number ° The refracted angle of the wavefront in the specimen used for this specific beam
beamDelay required number s
ascanstart required number s When recording of the A-scan starts for this beam
acanLength required number s Time duration of each A-scan for this beam
recurrence number
tcg object - tcg object
"beams": [
    "id": 0,
    "refractedAngle": 60.0,
    "ascanStart": 0.0,
    "ascanLength": 3.408E-05,
    "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
    "vCoordinateOffset": -0.030900000000000004

calibrationStates array

The calibrationStates array lists the calibration status (through a calibrationState object) of a given calibration method, as listed below.

Property Type Description
sensitivityCalibration object calibrationState object
tcgCalibration object calibrationState object
velocityCalibration object calibrationState object
wedgeDelayCalibration object calibrationState object
dacCalibration object calibrationState object
dgsCalibration object calibrationState object
tofdWedgeDelayCalibration object calibrationState object

calibrationState object

Same structure for sensitivityCalibration, tcgCalibration, velocityCalibration, wedgeDelayCalibration, dacCalibration, dgsCalibration, and tofdWedgeDelayCalibration.

Property Type Description
calibrated required Boolean Indicate whether the calibration was performed or not
"calibrationStates": [
    "sensitivityCalibration": {
        "calibrated": false
    "tcgCalibration": {
        "calibrated": true
    "velocityCalibration": {
        "calibrated": false


"ultrasonicConventional": {
    "pulseEcho": {
        "probeId": 0
    "waveMode": "TransversalVertical",
    "velocity": 3100.0,
    "wedgeDelay": 6.4799999999999989E-06,
    "digitizingFrequency": 100000000.0,
    "pulse": {
        "width": 1.425E-07,
        "voltage": 85.0,
        "polarity": "Bipolar"
    "gates": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Gate A",
        "geometry": "TrueDepth",
        "thresholdPolarity": "Absolute",
        "synchronization": {
            "mode": "Pulse"
        "start": 0.0,
        "length": 3.868E-05,
        "threshold": 25.0
    "rectification": "Full",
    "ascanCompressionFactor": 6,
    "gain": 50.0,
    "ultrasoundMode": "TrueDepth",
    "referenceAmplitude": 80.0,
    "referenceGain": 0.0,
    "digitalBandPassFilter": {
        "filterType": "None",
        "highCutOffFrequency": 25000000.0,
        "lowCutOffFrequency": 250000.0,
        "characteristic": "None"
    "smoothingFilter": 5000000.0,
    "averagingFactor": 1,
    "beams": [
        "id": 0,
        "refractedAngle": 60.0,
        "ascanStart": 0.0,
        "ascanLength": 3.408E-05,
        "uCoordinateOffset": 0.0,
        "vCoordinateOffset": -0.030900000000000004