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totalFocusingMethod Object

The totalFocusingMethod object serves as a total focusing method (TFM) process description.

Property Type Unit Description
id required integer - Unique id for the totalFocusingMethod object within the process
name string - Custom name of the totalFocusingMethod object
signalSource string - Signal used to compute the TFM, either: Analytic or Real
gain required number dB Gain applied to the TFM image
referenceAmplitude number %
referenceGain number dB
rectangularGrid required object - rectangularGrid object
fmcPulserIds array - Array listing the ids of the pulsers used to compute the TFM image
fmcReceiverIds array - Array listing the ids of the receivers used to compute the TFM image
pathName required string - Wave path name, often referred to as a "mode" or "view" (e.g.: "T-T", "LL-T")
waveSet required object - waveSet object
columns array - columns array

rectangularGrid object

The rectangularGrid object describes the dimensions of the region of interest (ROI) used to compute the TFM.

Property Type Description
yImagingLimits required object range object
zImagingLimits required object range object

range object

Property Type Unit Description
min required number m Starting position of the grid
max required number m Ending position of the grid
resolution required number m Resolution of the grid
"rectangularGrid": {
    "yImagingLimits": {
        "min": 0.001,
        "max": 0.025,
        "resolution": 5.1E-05
    "zImagingLimits": {
        "min": 1E-05,
        "max": 0.025,
        "resolution": 8.2E-05

waveSet object

The waveSet object describes the pathName in more details, listing the modes (or views) of the wave paths.

Property Type Description
pulsings required array Array containing the list of modes (or views) for the forward path, either: Longitudinalor TransversalVertical
receivings required array Array containing the list of modes (or views) for the backward path, either: Longitudinalor TransversalVertical
"waveSet": {
    "pulsings": [
    "receivings": [

columns array

The columns array describes the time-corrected gain (TCG) parameters used for each column of the TFM image

Property Type Description
id required integer Unique column id of the TFM image
gainMap required object An object containing TCG points array

gainMap object

The gainMap contain the information related to the gain applied to the TFM image for the TCG.

Property Type Description
points required array TCG points array

points array

The points array lists the time-corrected gain (TCG) points, with the corresponding gain to apply for a given position in the column of the TFM image.

Property Type Unit Description
position required number m Vertical position of the point in the TFM ROI
gain required number dB Gain in decibels
"columns": [
    "id": 0,
    "gainMap": {
        "points": [
            "position": 0.0,
            "gain": 0.0
            "position": 0.0080,
            "gain": 28.8
            "position": 0.0150,
            "gain": 33.9
    "id": 1,
    "gainMap": {
        "points": [
            "position": 0.0,
            "gain": 0.0
            "position": 0.0080,
            "gain": 29.3
            "position": 0.0151,
            "gain": 34.7


"totalFocusingMethod": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "TT-L View",
    "signalSource": "Analytic",
    "gain": 20.0,
    "referenceAmplitude": 80.0,
    "referenceGain": 0.0,
    "rectangularGrid": {
        "yImagingLimits": {
            "min": 0.001,
            "max": 0.025,
            "resolution": 5.1E-05
        "zImagingLimits": {
            "min": 1E-05,
            "max": 0.025,
            "resolution": 8.2E-05
    "fmcPulserIds": [
    "fmcReceiverIds": [
    "pathName": "TT-L",
    "waveSet": {
        "pulsings": [
        "receivings": [
    "columns": [
        "id": 0,
        "gainMap": {
            "points": [
                "position": 0.0,
                "gain": 0.0
                "position": 0.0080,
                "gain": 28.8
                "position": 0.0150,
                "gain": 33.9
        "id": 1,
        "gainMap": {
            "points": [
                "position": 0.0,
                "gain": 0.0
                "position": 0.0080,
                "gain": 29.3
                "position": 0.0151,
                "gain": 34.7